Owner: Philippe de Rothschild — Paris, France
Collection: (R) Rothschild
Inventory No.: R 430
Kiste Nr. HG 22
Artist: 1751, J.B. Siméon Chardin (1699-1779)
Medium: Paintings
Title: Die Ballspielerin (La jeune fille au volant)
Description: Junges Mädchen in braunem Kleid und weisser Schürze steht, nach rechts gewendet, bei einem Stuhl, in der Linken den Federball, in der Rechten den Schläger haltend. Halbfigur.
AGF/Spa /Dr.v.I.
Öl auf Lwd.
Br. 63 cm
sign. und dat.: Chardin 1751
Slg. Baron Henri de Rothschild
Literature: Bemerkungen: 1. Graph. Blatt von Lépicié (Abb. Wildenstein Nr. 159 Abb.201) siehe unten Literatur: A. Dayot: L'oeuvre de Chardin et Fragonard, Paris, Nr. 8 Guiffrey Nr.186 Furst S.128 Edm.u.J.de Goncourt: L'Art du XVIII.siècle, Bd.I, S.178 G.Wildenstein: Chardin Nr.160 Abb.Taf.XXXV. Bemerkungen 2. Slg. Graf Lazareff, St. Petersburg 3. 1875, 29.Jan.auf der Versteig.des Marquis d'Abzac für 5000 frcs. verkauft. 4. 1905, 4.-5.Dez.auf der Versteig.E.Cronier f.140000 frcs (Kat.Nr.1) 5. Phillip Rothschild, Paris Ausstellungen: Ausst.der Elsass-Lothringer, Nr.54 in Paris, Palais Bourbon. Exposition Chardin-Fragonard 1907 Nr. 49. " Chardin-Fragonard, Galerie Pigalle, 1929, Nr.16. According to the inventory supplied by Philippe de Rotschild, the following annotations were provided: Pendant d'un "Chateau de Cartes" de l'Ermitage; s'y trouvait également, quand elle fut vendue en 1854 par ordre de Nicolas 1er, passe ensuite dans la collection Lazareff (Revue de l'Art, 1935, p. 135-6). Exposition d'Art Français à Londres 1932-No. 233. Bibliographie: A. Alexandre---Les Arts 1905--No. 47-pp. 6-10; A. Pascal et D. Gaucheron, Documents sur la vie et l'Oeuvre de Chardin, p. 124-5.
Provenance and Comments: This object was set aside for Hermann Goering in the first half of 1941. The frame was repatriated from Munich on 27 March 1946 while the painting was repatriated from H G. on 27 March 1946. This item was repatriated erroneously to Yugoslavia. There is no information as to whether it was ever repatriated to France for restitution to the Rothschild family. This painting was seized in Arcachon in one of two crates deposited by Baron Philippe de Rothschild at the Société Générale d'Arcachon on 1 June 1940. The Vichy government sequestered his property and an initial inventory was taken on 22 November 1940. Thereupon, the German authorities asserted their privilege over the Rothschild property and ordered its removal which occurred on 24 February 1941. Mr. Braumuller of the ERR presided over the transfer of the Rothschild property to Paris.
Archival Sources: RG 260 M1943 Reel 17 NARA; Bundesarchiv, B323/280; RA 26, MAEE, Paris, France
Measurements: 79 x 63 cm
Signed? Yes
Intake place: Societe General d'Arcachon
Intake date: 1940-06-01
Transfer place: Mr. Braumuller, Devisenschutzkommando/ERR
Transfer date: 1941-02-24
Transfer place: Jeu de Paume
Transfer date: 1941-03-00
Transfer place: H G.
Transfer date: 1941-08-15
Transfer place: 54, Avenue d’Iena, Paris
Transfer date: 1943-01-28
Munich No.: 6747
Repatriated to France? Yes
Repatriation date: 1945-09-20
Restituted? Yes
Restitution date: 1946-06-26