
This Database represents the results of the current best efforts research of the Claims Conference and the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum and is based upon information obtained by the Claims Conference and the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum to date. The Claims Conference and the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum make no representation as to its accuracy or completeness and the Database should not be relied upon or used as proof, legal or equitable, as to current or past ownership of the items described within.

The absence of information concerning the repatriation and/or restitution of an item does not imply that repatriation and/or restitution has not already been made. Information concerning repatriation and restitution continues to be added to the Database.

Information concerning the repatriation and/or restitution of an object comes from research in the archives of the Bundesarchiv in Koblenz, Germany, and the archives of the Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs of France. The ‘Archival Sources’ field contains the citation for the document from which the relevant information was extracted.

The presence of such information is not a guarantee that the object was correctly repatriated or restituted to the actual rightful owner of the object, and the Claims Conference and the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum make no representation as to the correctness of such repatriation and/or restitution.