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Owner: Arthur Levy — Paris, France
Collection: (A Le) Arthur Levy
Inventory No.: A Le 45
Kiste Nr. ALE 15
Artist: Anf. 19. Jh., Franz.
Medium: Decorative Arts
Title: Bandgewirkt, gelber Grund, rot eingefasst.
Description: Muster: Abwechselnd Adler und N in grün und schwarz umrandet.
Zugangstag: 5.11.42 In Paris: Jeu de Paume
Provenance and Comments:
Archival Sources: RG 260 M1943 Reel 1 NARA; Bundesarchiv, B323/275, B323/300; RV 103, MAEE, Paris, France
Intake place: 145, rue de la Pompe, Paris
Transfer place: Dr. Paetow
Transfer date: 1942-11-05
Transfer place: Jeu de Paume
Transfer date: 1942-11-18
Transfer place: Buxheim
Transfer date: 1943-11-25
Restituted? No