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Owner: Frau Wolff — Boulogne sur Seine, France
Collection: (Wo) Frau Wolff
Inventory No.: Wo 11
Kiste Nr. WO 1
Artist: 1890 (September), Englisch, A.E.H. [Antonio?]
Medium: Works on Paper
Title: Italienischer Knabe [Antonio at the Church...]
Description: AGL/Dr.Egg.

16 x 10 cm

sign. u. dat. 1890
Widmung in englischer Sprache.

[Dedication on the drawing: "In memory of all the beauty of Venice and our delight in being with you there." signed AE.H]

Zugangstag, in Paris: 11.7.42
Provenance and Comments: This work was transferred to the "Administration des Domaines" on 22 December 1950 ostensibly for the purpose of being sold off at auction.
Archival Sources: RG 260 M1943 Reel 27 NARA; Bundesarchiv, B323/292, B323/304; RV 103, MAEE, Paris, France
Measurements: 16 x 10 cm
Signed? Yes
Intake place: 5, rue Marcel Loyau, Boulogne-sur-Seine
Transfer place: Dr. Eggemann
Transfer date: 1942-07-11
Transfer place: Jeu de Paume
Transfer date: 1942-07-11
Transfer date: 1943-01-26
Transfer place: Administration des Domaines
Transfer date: 1950-12-22
Repatriated to France? Yes
Repatriation date: 1945-10-18