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Owner: Maurice de Rothschild — Paris, France
Collection: (R) Rothschild
Inventory No.: R 3011
Artist: Louis XV, Mitte 18. Jh., Französisch
Medium: Decorative Arts
Title: Eckschrank (Encoignure) mit braun-beige-grüner Marmorplatte. ...
Description: ...
Bronzebeschläge. Zwei sinusförmige, gewölbte Türen mit Einlegearbeit von je einer Blumenranke, [...] Felder eingefasst von Bronzebeschlägen in Form von rocaille.
60 x 60 x 84 cm.
[Paris, manufacture royale des Gobelins, Wappen der gräfl. Familie Colbert]
Provenance and Comments: The ERR inventory attributes this piece to the Manufacture des Gobelins and as coming from the Colbert Family. But someone edits that attribution out of the ERR card. One should presume that Dr. Eggemann oversaw the production of the ERR inventory reflecting the Gobelins attribution and someone at Fussen/Neuschwanstein [AGF] edited out that mention.
Archival Sources: RG 260 M1943 Reel 22 NARA; Bundesarchiv, B323/283
Measurements: 60 x 60 x 84 cm
Transfer place: Jeu de Paume
Transfer date: 1942-03-00
Restituted? No