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Owner: Jacques Goudstikker — Amsterdam, Netherlands
Collection: (JGoudstikker) Amsterdam
Inventory No.: Goudst. 2779
Artist: Rembrandt
Medium: Paintings
Title: Landschap
Description: paneel, 30 1/2 x 44.8 cm.
Literature: coll. Dr. Muno of Craiglockhaert of the late Mr. Rich. Johnson of Manchester of Mrs. R.J. Walker, Bramshott courts, Hauts.(zie Jhr. Dr.J.Six "Rembrandt" Etswork, deel III, 262. zie cat. Remrandt huis, 234, boz. 41 cert. Gr. inkoop e.s. Rohncz.
Provenance and Comments:
Archival Sources: RG 260 M1946 Reel 128 NARA
Measurements: 30.5 x 44.8 cm.
Intake place: Kasteel Nyenrode, Breukelen, The Netherlands
Transfer place: Alois Miedl
Transfer date: 1940-07-00
Transfer place: H.W. Lange, Berlin
Transfer date: 1943-10-06