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Owner: Jacques Goudstikker — Amsterdam, Netherlands
Collection: (JGoudstikker) Amsterdam
Inventory No.: Goudst. 2542
Artist: Paqualino Veneziano [Pasqualino de Venezia]
Medium: Paintings
Title: Maria met kind
Description: paneel, 80 x 62 cm.
Literature: cert. van Marle. Door H. Vieweg in Italie verworven zie F.v. Harck "Storico dell arte III 1891. van dezen schlder zijn slechts weinig (geteekende)schilderijen bekend (bijv. in het Mus. Correr) vgl Berenson "Venetian Painters" zie "Kunst & Künstler", 28e Jaar no. VI, blz. 263. Tent. Itl Kunst in Ned. Bezit, Sted. Mus, 1934, no. 283 met afb. inkoop niet bekend (Lepke)
Provenance and Comments: This painting was restituted to the Goudstikker heirs in February 2006 and soldat Christie's New York on 19 April 2007 (bought in) and resold at Christie's New York 3 June 2015
Archival Sources: RG 260 M1946 Reel 128 NARA;
Measurements: 80 x 62 cm.
Signed? Yes
Intake place: Kasteel Nyenrode, Breukelen, The Netherlands
Transfer place: Alois Miedl
Transfer date: 1940-07-00
Transfer place: H.W. Lange, Berlin
Transfer date: 1943-10-06
Munich No.: 7129
Repatriated to Holland? Yes
Repatriation date: 1945-12-04