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Owner: Jacques Goudstikker — Amsterdam, Netherlands
Collection: (JGoudstikker) Amsterdam
Inventory No.: Goudst. 2190
Artist: A. Brouwer
Medium: Paintings
Title: "Jan de Dood"
Description: p. (ovaal) 10 1/4 x 8 cm.
Literature: cert. H. de Gr. en Bode. inkoop, o.e.s.s (Douwes)
Provenance and Comments:
Archival Sources: RG 260 M1946 NARA
Measurements: 10.25 x 8 cm
Intake place: Kasteel Nyenrode, Breukelen, The Netherlands
Transfer place: Alois Miedl
Transfer date: 1940-07-00
Transfer place: H.W. Lange, Berlin
Transfer date: 1943-10-06