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Owner: Jacques Seligmann — Paris, France
Collection: (Sel) Arnold, Andre and Jacques Seligmann
Inventory No.: Sel. 299
Inv. Nr. alte Slg. Botschaftsl. II, 17.
Aus Kiste Nr. S. 196 [E 196]
Artist: 17. Jh., Türkisch
Medium: Decorative Arts
Title: Halbfayence-Schüssel
Description: Blau, rotbraun, grün bemalt mit langstieligen Blumen und Blättern. Auf der Unterseite der Wandung blaue Streublumen.
AGF/Dr. Schiedl.
Dm. 32, H. 6 cm.
Bemerkung: Herkunft: b.w.
Aus Besitz Jacques Seligmann.
Provenance and Comments: This item was in a crate supplied by the Schenker company and stored at the German Embassy in Paris in the summer of 1940.
Archival Sources: RG 260 M1943 Reel 25 NARA; Bundesarchiv, B323/287; RV 103, MAEE, Paris, France
Measurements: 32; 6 cm
Transfer place: German Embassy, Paris
Transfer date: 1940-08-00
Transfer place: Louvre
Transfer date: 1944-11-00
Transfer place: Lager Peter
Munich No.: 428/6
Repatriated to France? Yes
Repatriation date: 1946-07-11
Restituted? Yes
Restitution date: 1946-10-22