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Owner: Fernand Halphen — Paris, France
Collection: (HAL) Halphen--The HAL collection is actually a misnomer since it combines assets belonging to two branches of the Halphen family and spouses, commingled by ERR staff members responsible for carding and producing inventories as a single Halphen collection. All objects plundered under HAL were removed from three locations in Paris which belonged to Emile Halphen and Fernand Halphen between July 1940 and February 1941.
Inventory No.:
Artist: Lacroix
Medium: Decorative Arts
Title: Petite table ronde
Description: 3 pieds marqueterie claire
petite galerie bronze doré tout autour
Literature: Guiraud in 1907
Provenance and Comments:
Archival Sources: RA 4, MAEE, Paris, France
Signed? Yes
Intake place: 51, rue Dumont d'Urville, Paris
Transfer place: German Embassy, Paris
Transfer date: 1940-07-10
Transfer place: Jeu de Paume