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Owner: Hugo Krieser — Rotterdam, Netherlands
Collection: (HKrieser) Rotterdam, Netherlands--Although the two crates containing the Krieser collection were allegedly shipped from Germany, it is unclear whether the Krieser family was based there or in Vienna, Austria. The two crates were intercepted in Rotterdam, Netherlands and shipped back eventually to Reich finance authorities in Koln, Germany. Present whereabouts unknown.
Inventory No.:
Artist: Schilcher
Medium: Paintings
Title: Amoretten
Description: oil on wood
Provenance and Comments:
Archival Sources: RG 260 M1949 Reel 22 NARA
Transfer place: Rotterdam, the Netherlands
Transfer date: 1939-00-00
Transfer place: "Josephina" barge, Rhine river
Transfer date: 1944-04-00
Transfer place: Oberfinanzpräsident, 1 Wurthstrasse, Cologne, Germany
Transfer date: 1944-04-00
Restituted? No