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Displaying 2005 of 4341
Owner: Baron et Baronne Cassel van Doorn — Cannes/Ruoms, France
Collection: (Aktion Berta) The Cassel property was plundered from an estate in Cannes and a house in Ruoms (Ardèche). Some items were conveyed by train to Paris and then to Austrian repositories. Others transited via Marseille and were shipped to Germany. The Ruoms property went straight to Schloss Thurntal in Eastern Austria.
Inventory No.: B-1480
Artist: 17. Jh.
Medium: Decorative Arts
Title: Elfenbeinfigürchen eines Hermes
Description: (vom Oberschenkel abwarte fehlend) mit Geldbeutel und geflügeltem Hut.
Provenance and Comments:
Archival Sources: RA 90, MAEE, Paris, France;
Measurements: H. 7.5 cm.
Intake place: Cannes/Ruoms, France
Intake date: 1943-11-00