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Owner: Mr. Landau — Antwerp, Belgium
Collection: (BN-Bruxelles) BN [Belgien und Nordfrankreich]--All items confiscated under the BN label were removed from the Brussels region. The ERR, the Brüsseler Treuhandgesellschaft (Belgium) and associated agencies performed these confiscations. An unknown number of objects remained at ERR Headquarters in Brussels while the remainder was transferred to the Jeu de Paume in Paris.
Inventory No.: BN 2011-4
[MA-T 20]
Artist: Persian, Tabriz, 19th century
Medium: Decorative Arts
Title: Brücke
Description: Weißer Mittelgrund mit drei Reihen kleeblattförmigen Ornamenten. Graubraungrundiger Rand mit Pflanzen- und Tierornamenten.
AGB/Dr. Es.
216 x 142 [215 x 135]
Zugangstag, In Paris: 11.10.43
Provenance and Comments: The description provided by the MCCP card for this item differs slightly from the one recorded by the ERR. According to the MCCP card, the presumed owner of this item is "Landau."
Archival Sources: RG 260 M1943 Reel 1 NARA; Bundesarchiv, B323/290;
Measurements: 216 x 142
Intake place: Einsatzstab RR Brussel
Transfer place: Brusseler Treuhandgesellschaft, SPRL, Brussels
Transfer date: 1943-10-11
Transfer place: Jeu de Paume
Transfer place: Kogl 554
Munich No.: 22022
Repatriated to Belgium? Yes
Repatriation date: 1948-02-20