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Collection: (BN-Bruxelles) BN [Belgien und Nordfrankreich]--All items confiscated under the BN label were removed from the Brussels region. The ERR, the Brüsseler Treuhandgesellschaft (Belgium) and associated agencies performed these confiscations. An unknown number of objects remained at ERR Headquarters in Brussels while the remainder was transferred to the Jeu de Paume in Paris.
Inventory No.: BN 67
Inv. Nr. alte Slg. 1012-2
Artist: 1863, Joseph Quinaux, 1822-95 Brüssel
Medium: Paintings
Title: Bachufer
Description: Öl auf Leinwand
Auf einer von Bäumen und Buschwerk umgrenzten Wiese an einem Wasser einige Kühe und eine Wäscherin.
AGB/Dr. Es.
Öl auf Lwd.
68 x 95
Gerahmt Fassung: Rahmen
Bezeichnet Signatur: rechts unten: J-Quinaux 1863
Zugangstag, In Paris: 20.9.43
Provenance and Comments: After its repatriation to Belgium, the Belgian restitution authorities recorded this painting as A 212 and sold it at a public auction in Brussels as Lot 27 in January 1950.
Archival Sources: RG 260 M1943 Reel 1 NARA; Bundesarchiv, B323/312; AR 2/AGR 2, 020/428, Brussels, Belgium
Measurements: 68 x 95
Framed? Yes
Signed? Yes
Intake place: Brussels
Transfer place: Kogl
Transfer place: Jeu de Paume
Munich No.: 21873/3
Repatriated to Belgium? Yes
Repatriation date: 1947-08-04
Restituted? No