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Owner: Sarah Rosenstein I — Nice [Nizza], France
Collection: (SROS) Sarah Rosenstein-We know nothing about Sarah Rosenstein and her fate. We do know that many of the works confiscated from a bank in Paris were repatriated from the ERR depot at Buxheim. The French government sold them off in the early 1950s as Rosenstein property
Inventory No.: Kiste SROS 1
Medium: Works on Paper
Title: 11 gravures et dessins
Provenance and Comments: These items were in a crate set aside for von Behr at the Louvre. All were inventoried and carded at the Jeu de Paume.
Archival Sources: Bundesarchiv, B323/300; RV 103, RV 107, MAEE, Paris, France
Intake place: Societe Generale, Schliessfach 111-1, 53, rue Lafayette, Paris
Transfer place: Dienstelle Westen (via the DSK)
Transfer place: Louvre
Transfer place: Jeu de Paume
Transfer place: Buxheim