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Owner: Paul Rosenberg — Bordeaux, France
Collection: (Rosenberg-Bernstein) Rosenberg-Bernstein-Bordeaux
Inventory No.: Rosenberg-Bernstein Bordeaux Nr. 27
II, 3,2
Artist: Camille Corot; 1796-1875
Medium: Paintings
Title: Mutter und Kind. [Madame Stumpf and her daughter]
Description: In einem Hohlweg steht – in Vorderansicht – eine Mutter in dunklem Kleid, einen, einen Sonnenschirm in der rechten Hand. Sie reicht ihrem kleinen Mädchen, das rechts von ihr in Seitenansicht mit hellem geschürzten Kleid steht, ein Blütenkränzchen. Auf der Böschung rechts und links des Weges lichter Laubwald.
Öl auf Lwd.
H. 106 – Br. 75 cm

Tausch 1
Provenance and Comments: This object went from the German Embassy to the Jeu de Paume in mid-December 1940. Then it was part of the first exchange organized by Gustav Rochlitz known as Tausch 1. On March 3, 1941 the art dealer Gustav Rochlitz exchanged 11 "degenerate" paintings for two Old Masters, one painting by Jan Weenix and another by a Master of Northern Italy. The works were looted from the collections of Alphonse Kann, Paul Rosenberg, and Alfred Lindenbaum (Lindon) and produced by the following painters: Braque, Cezanne, Corot, Degas, Matisse, Picasso, Renoir and Sisley. Sent by Rochlitz to Dr. Wendland. [Rochlitz report, p.8]. From there sent to the Fischer Gallery in Lucerne, Switzerland. From there sent to Raeber, Basel [17 August 1946 report, pp.14-15]. It was referred to as "Madame Stumpf and her daughter". It is now at the National Gallery of Art in Washington, DC. See Corot
Archival Sources: RG 260 M1943 Reel 25 NARA; Bundesarchiv, B323/72, B323/288, B323/293
Measurements: 106 x 75 cm
Transfer place: German Embassy, Paris
Transfer date: 1940-00-00
Transfer place: Jeu de Paume
Transfer date: 1940-12-19
Transfer place: Paris/Gustav Rochlitz
Transfer date: 1941-03-03
Transfer place: H G.
Repatriated to France? Yes
Repatriation date: 1946-00-00
Restituted? Yes